Donations to the Department of Clinical Studies

ZEISS Axiolab 5 Scientific Microscope, Epson LCD Projectors-EB-X51 and AlphaTRAK-2 Glucometer

Donation of Specialized Scientific Microscope. The Department of Clinical Studies received a donation of One (1) ZEISS Axiolab 5 Scientific Microscope with specific associated Zeiss Camera and a large 32 inch LED TV Screen for viewing the microscopic images. The whole unit was purchased in France and delivered to the department on November 25, 2021 by Dr. Jeanne Mwakugu, the Scientific Communications Manager from ROYAL CANIN, Nairobi. This Microscope will facilitate undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research. The Department appreciates the partnership and collaboration it has had with ROYAL CANIN since 2019.

Donation of LCD Projectors. The Department of Clinical Studies received donations of two (2) high quality Epson LCD Projectors-EB-X51 on December 6, 2021 from Prof. Margaret Khaitsa of Mississippi State University, USA, who is visiting the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and was appointed as a Visiting Professor in the Department of Clinical Studies for one year ending October 2022. The projectors were handed to the Chairman of the Department on behalf of the donor by Prof. George Gitau. The Department appreciates the donation which will enhance teaching and seminar presentations.

Donation of a Glucometer. The Department of Clinical Studies received a donation of an AlphaTRAK-2 Glucometer for monitoring blood glucose in dogs and cats. The donation was received from Erin Ivory from Veterinarians International USA through interaction with Dr. Ambrose Kipyegon Ng’eno on November 18, 2021. This Donation is appreciated and will assist in clinical diagnostic work.

Donations to the Department of Clinical Studies PDF